thoughts on the systray

Michael Brade brade at
Mon Feb 14 13:33:29 GMT 2005

On Monday 14 February 2005 13:06, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Monday 14 February 2005 03:52, Michael Brade wrote:
> > > the application with a systray entry would only publish data, (and
> > > receive event notifications, for instance "the user wants to see a
> > > context menu for this entry") and not have anything to do with the
> > > actual presentation or management of the GUI.
> >
> > Erm... there is no management of the GUI in the systray anyway.
> when was the last time you hacked on it? ;)
Hm... now that I think of it, I guess I even stopped using the KSystemTray 
class itself because of its limitations ;)

> right now, yes. in future there will also be:
>  o keyboard access
>  o current app status requests (used for icon hiding, which is pretty lame
> atm because of this)
Excellent, that's what's missing.

> and i really don't want individual apps deciding what a "rmb" means.
> currently, each developer decides what to do and so we have a mish mash of
> behaviours. so instead of "rmb clicked" you'll get "show a context menu at
> point (x,y)". this will simultaneously limit the number of actions a
> systray app can take (making the "stop the insanity" folks happy) while
> still allowing a wide range of flexibility (making app writers and their
> users happy).
As long as you have at least three different actions, all is fine.

> this is also an important step towards proper cross-desktop support. GNOME
> may want left clicks on icons to bring up a context menu. KDE may want left
> clicks to show/hide the main app interface. this allows both to make those
> decisions and have all systray entries obey them! wowzers!
> we could even make these mappings configurable if we were crazy enough =)
Awesome ;) This is what I meant when I replied to Olaf.

> this is actually what i'm trying to avoid happening =)
> i fear that if the system tray becomes just a "notification area" then
> things like knotes would have to become applets and i'm really not cool
> with that. in other words, i'm on your side, dude! =)
Thanks ;-)) Sounds good, so I'm looking forward to that. /me doesn't want a 
KNotes-applet either...

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'

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