thoughts on the systray

Olaf Schmidt ojschmidt at
Mon Feb 14 09:03:58 GMT 2005

[Aaron J. Seigo, Sonntag, 13. Februar 2005 23:58]
> 	o host apps (e.g. the systray applet in kicker) would consume this
> data to present an interface. the interface would be 100% under the
> control of the host app, including what to do when the user, for
> instance, right clicks on an entry versus left clicks on an entry.

I agree that the host application should have full control over the user 
interaction. It should be far easier to make Kicker fully accessible this 
way. And maybe it would even make sense for screen readers to implement 
the system tray spec and to read out the information rather than painting 

> the application with a systray entry would only publish data, (and
> receive event notifications, for instance "the user wants to see a
> context menu for this entry")

I am wondering whether even the context menu should be shown by the host 
application. Currently, all kicker applets have two context menus, with 
one of them being nearly inaccessible to users who need a bigger button 
size. Merging the two context menus would make the UI design far cleaner 
and more standard. But I know it is very difficult to achieve, because it 
would mean reworking the applet interface as well.


KDE Accessibility Project
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