Missing KServiceType Info

Ian Reinhart Geiser ian at geiseri.com
Sun Feb 6 19:05:49 GMT 2005

	I am trying to get a list of propties for a given service type using the 
servicetype info from the KServiceType class.  But for the life of me I 
cannot figure out where stuff like X-KDE-Library is defined.  The other 
question I  have is why do we bother adding custom values to some service 
types?  Its very unclear how this operates since I would think that any KPart 
should have an X-KDE-Library value, but its not defined.  Do we add these 
buggers automagicly somewhere?  Do we need to update our service type files?

	Any hints are appreciated.

	-ian reinhart geiser
------(Ian Reinhart Geiser)-----<geiseri at yahoo.com>-----
To martyr yourself to caution
Is not going to help at all
Because there'll be no safety in numbers
When the right one walks out of the door
-Pink Floyd, Lost for Words
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