KCmdLineArgs4 Question

Richard Lärkäng nouseforaname at home.se
Sat Dec 31 11:31:44 GMT 2005


On Wednesday 28 December 2005 21:52, Allen Winter wrote:
> Hi Core Devs,
> [I asked Waldo about this and he suggested I ask here instead]
> I'm using the new KCmdLineArgs from kdelibs4_snapshot and running into a
> problem.
> Recall that konsolekalendar should not support any Qt or KDE options since
> it is a CLI program.  IOW: I don't want 'konsolekalendar --help' to show
> any Qt or KDE specific command line args.
> When I have
>   KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData,
> KCmdLineArgs::CmdLineArgNone); in konsolekalendar's main.cpp the result is
> % ./konsolekalendar --help-all
> ASSERT: "args" in file
> /misc/shared/kde/branches/work/kdelibs4_snapshot/kdecore/kcmdlineargs.cpp,
> line 748 Aborted
> What am I doing wrong?
> Regards,
> Allen

I ran in to the same problem when checking if audiocd:/ worked. The problem 
seems to be that in KDE 3 the qt args are added anyway (in 
KApplication::addCmdLineOptions) so the assert wasn't triggered. But in 
kdelibs from trunk the qt args are only added if requested (KCmdLineArgs::

So I made a patch so it only checks for the qt args in qt_argc and qt_argv if 
they are requested, and otherwise returns just the application name as argv.

Could anyone have a look at the attached patch?

/Richard Lärkäng
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