--enable-debug=full is a VERY bad option??? (was: Re: gcc flags for developers)

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Fri Dec 9 17:56:55 GMT 2005

On Friday 09 December 2005 18:36, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> On Friday 09 December 2005 18:28, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > > - Also, full is a VERY bad option, as it disables important
> >
> > Am I missing something? I thought --enable-debug=full is what every
> > developer should be using?
> No, read the mail and the thread you replied to for answers.
> > If this isn't the case then what should I be
> > using?
> Depends on what you want to have.

I want to have a single configure option which enables all gcc (and 
whatever) flags I as application developer should use, i.e. I want full 
debug information and all (sensible) warnings for my build of kdepim 
and I want full debug information for my build of kdelibs. I don't have 
the time to study the meaning of one million different gcc flags in 
order to figure out the right mix. So either publish the preferred list 
of flags in a prominent place (just like in README.qt-copy) or add a 
few easily understandable configure flags to KDE's build system.

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