kde-games package removal proposal

Danny Allen dannya40uk at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 16 23:58:41 BST 2005

I propose that we remove the game package "KSmileTris" from the kde-games 
package, mainly for the following reasons:

* There is already another tetris-clone in kde-games: KSirtet. KSirtet is the 
vastly superior application - ksmiletris from a gaming perspective doesn't 
even make sense.

* The use of graphics and general application content within KSmileTris is of 
a very low quality: the graphics look dated, and make the game very difficult 
to play from a usability standpoint.

* As far as I can tell, the app was last worked on in any meaningful way since 
1998. I am pretty sure that there is no maintainer for this app.

I believe that we should remove this game from kde-games in time for the 3.5 


p.s. For replies from kde-core-devel, please CC me, as I am not subscribed to 
that list.

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