How to get a file by date in a branch?

Nicolas Goutte nicolasg at
Wed Aug 10 16:55:13 BST 2005

On Wednesday 10 August 2005 17:14, Andras Mantia wrote:
> Hi,
>  I would like to get some files from the 3.5 branch based on a date. I
> tried (in kdevelop/languages/cpp):
> svn update -r {2005-07-20} debugger
> The result was that I lost all files from the debugger directory. My
> assumption is that it happened because the 3.5 branch was created after
> this date. AFAIR getting old revisions by this technique in CVS was not
> a problem.
> Does anyone know how can I do it with svn?

You need to switch with the URL that was used at that time.

Yes, ot os more difficult than for CVS. But it is here that SVN is different 
than CVS. SVN uses different directories, while CVS used only tags.

Have a nice day!

> Andras

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