KDE4 Patch to allow testing/execution of uninstalled kparts/XMLGUI applications

David Faure faure at kde.org
Tue Aug 9 02:17:35 BST 2005

On Monday 08 August 2005 22:52, Hans Meine wrote:
> Hi!
> On Monday 08 August 2005 21:41, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > > I have a simple patch to KStandardDirs that will allow developers to test
> > > and run KParts/XMLGUI applications without having to install them first.
> > >
> > > What I've done is to simply look for a '.krcdirs' file in the same
> > > directory where the application is currently being executed.  This file
> > > is a simple INI file like so:
> > >
> > > [KStandardDirs]
> > > module = .libs
> > > data = .

Very cool.

> > With shell commands you have to explicitly state that you want to use the
> > executable of the current directory. I think this security approach should
> > also be taken here (think e.g. of the libs). Better add a parameter to
> > state the explicit wish for the usage of the local settings. Adds some
> > little burden, but so does "./", too. (no free lunch, isn't there ;)

What's "a parameter" in this context? Do you mean something in the file,
or a command-line argument?

> Maybe I am blind, but what's the advantage compared to 
> KDEDIRS="`pwd`/my_locally_setup_tree:$KDEDIRS"?

Well, that doesn't work when all the files are in the current dir (or in e.g. .libs),
it requires a my_tree/share/apps/kmyfoo setup (e.g. for the .rc files), share/lib/kde3 for modules...
That setup just isn't there in build dirs.

> Is it just for convenience?
> Is is much less work to setup such a file than a KDEDIR?

Where setting up a KDEDIR would mean moving/copying/linking stuff around?
That would be a bit messy I think, and only doable if an app (like kdevelop) does it
for you; whereas a standard .krcdirs could even be part of kapptemplate so
that most newly created kde apps can start without being installed.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).

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