[PATCH] Hspell plugin for KSpell2
Mashrab Kuvatov
kmashrab at sat.physik.uni-bremen.de
Fri Apr 29 15:53:22 BST 2005
Hi Meni, Dan, and everyone,
> Though I haven't yet tested the patch, there may be a problem at
> HSpellDict's
> constructor:
> > + /* hspell understans only iso8859-8 */
> > + codec = QTextCodec::codecForName( "iso8859-8" );
> The codec should be actually "iso8859-8-i", otherwise words would get sent
> to hspell reversed. This may be the cause of the problems that Dan brought
> up in his reply.
Yes that was it. Thanks. In addition, in HSpellDict::check
"return correct != 1" was also wrong. It should be "return correct == 1". I
have updated a patch.
The shots [1] and [2] show the patch in action. Does it make sense now? I
deleted couple of characters of one word. Sorry, if it means something bad in
your language.
Have a nice weekend,
Mashrab Kuvatov
Ph.D student
University of Bremen, IUP
Home-page: www.sat.uni-bremen.de/members/mashrab
PGP key: www.uni-bremen.de/~kmashrab/kmashrab.asc
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