[PATCH] Hspell plugin for KSpell2

Dan Kenigsberg danken at cs.Technion.AC.IL
Fri Apr 29 10:43:18 BST 2005


Thank you for taking an effort to integrate hspell into KSpell2 (I myself never
used the latter, sorry).

> Screenshots can be seen here [2] and here [3]. The text is from
> http://wassist.cs.technion.ac.il/~danken/cgi-bin/hspell.cgi
> Hopefully, people who speak Hebrew will comment whether it makes sense.

However, I am afraid that the example you tried *does not* make sense. That page
that you refered to does not include so many spelling mistake. You may check
this out if you try the command-line version of hspell and apply it to the file.
There should be only ONE error. 

I have no idea why this happens. One clue that we have is that while you check
the perfectly legal word עמוד ("page") it appears as עמודד (notice the
additional letter). However, it goes deeper than that, since the suggestions are
indeed attempts to correct (the alread correct) עמוד. 

I hope Nadav could hed more light on this puzzle. Anyhow, this needs more work.

> I'm not going to commit it. As a lib, hspell is missing a key feature - add to
> dictionary. I think, without this feature it is just irresponsible to give 
> KSpell2 with it to user. It will save a lot of energy one has to spend to
> explain a user that actually the add-to-dict button is not broken in KDE, but
> it is a lib which cannot handle it. Hopefully, hspell devs will add it in next
> releases.
It is in our TODO list...

Thanks again for your work. I hope we could solve it together.

Dan Kenigsberg        http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~danken        ICQ 162180901

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