KDE4/Qt4 minimum gcc version 3.2

Michael Buesch mbuesch at freenet.de
Mon Apr 18 16:32:22 BST 2005

Quoting Leo Savernik <l.savernik at aon.at>:
> Am Sonntag, 17. April 2005 19:39 schrieb Gary L. Greene Jr.:
> > > They still support MSVC++ 6.0. If Qt compiles with that one, it'll
> > > compile with gcc 2.95 anyways.
> > >
> > > mfg
> > >       Leo
> >
> > That's not guaranteed. MSVC++ 6.0 and gcc 2.95 are two different beasts and
> > since _most_ ISVs are now on gcc 3.x, I can see why they feel that
> > maintaining support for an obsolete compiler is not needed. Whereas with
> > Windows, MSVC++ 6 is still in use by a large number of ISVs.
> It's true that MSVC++ 6 features a greater count of deployment. However, given 
> that MSVC is even older than gcc 2.95, Qt can't make use of any C++ features 
> that choke MSVC. That's why gcc 2.95 compatibility should be easier to ensure 
> than if they only would've used gcc 3.4 and msvc 7.

Sources for the Windows version of QT and Unix X11 version are different.
So I can't follow your assumption:
* Trolltech says that qt-win will compile with msvc++6,
  so we assume that qt-x11 will compile with gcc-2.95.
You see?

Regards Michael Buesch  [ http://www.tuxsoft.de.vu ]

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