How to debug #103713?

Michael Brade brade at
Wed Apr 13 21:49:25 BST 2005


I've got a problem with #103713 (knotes). When a note holds rich text I can 
click on the superscript button and it works flawlessly with my regular user. 
But with a fresh new user I can reproduce #103713: clicking on the 
superscript button is like double-clicking on it! The slot 
KNoteEdit::textSuperScript() is called twice and KAction tells me that the 
button was clicked twice, although I really clicked only once.

Somehow I managed to make the new user's knotes work, too. But I thought I 
fixed it because I changed a little bit of code, so I deleted and recreated 
the new user to see if the bug really disappeared. No luck, bug is back, and 
now I can't even get the new user's knotes to work again because I forgot the 
exact things I did before. Copying all the knotes config files doesn't seem 
to help.

To me this seems to be a bug in kdelibs/KAction, but how am I going to debug 
that? Does anyone maybe have an idea already what's going on?

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'

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