SVN timing again

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Sat Apr 9 19:14:45 BST 2005

Am Samstag 09 April 2005 20:09 schrieb Michael Buesch:
> Quoting Stephan Kulow <coolo at>:
> > Hi!
> >
> > The only thing holding SVN conversion currently is the
> > fact that we can't track reliably server side moves.
> What does that mean?
> Does it mean, that when I do svn mv, it doesn't appear
> on kde-cvs (kde-svn) mailing list? Or what do you mean
> by tracking?

No, I'm talking about the cvs server here. Moves (or better
copies) we've done in the past on the cvs server to work around
the inabilty of cvs to track moves in the client. Oswald wants 
the cvs2svn conversion to detect these and create svn moves
for the past.

Greetings, Stephan

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