Fwd: trunk

Martijn Klingens klingens at kde.org
Sat Apr 9 12:05:30 BST 2005

On Saturday 09 April 2005 11:51, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> I'm talking about renaming kdeplayground-admin to playground/admin, which
> opens the confusion with kde-common/admin - as you nicely proved with your
> mail ;)

LOL :)

I'd rename 'admin' to 'sysadmin', which explains the meaning of the module 
better anyway. (Likewise kdeadmin in the release part of KDE would become 
kdesysadmin, etc.).

> To your other problem:
> We always used HEAD admin/ in kde-extragear and kdenonbeta - that we have
> the MIN_CONFIG for. But as a matter of fact, with svn it's very simple to
> change the admin/ link to point to a branch checkout of kde-common/admin.
> But that's up to the developers of the playground/admin/ module to discuss.

Well, I usually symlinked some checkout of kde-common/admin (normally the one 
I built my kdelibs with last time) to kdenonbeta/admin, but with svn 
supporting symlinks I'm not sure that practice can be reused.

But if it's possible to set admin/ on a per-module bases anyway it's fine with 
me :)


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