bug #86756: klistview::selectedItems() returns hidden items

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Sat Sep 18 18:29:30 BST 2004

On Thursday 16 September 2004 01:13, Aaron Seigo wrote:
>    /**
>     * @return a list containing the currently selected items.
> +   *
> +   * @deprecated
>     */
> -  QPtrList<QListViewItem> selectedItems() const; // ### BIC: KDE 4: use an implicitly shared class! (QValueList?)
> + QPtrList<QListViewItem> selectedItems() const;

Additionally the API doc for selectedItems() should state that it's 
equivalent to selectedItems( true ), i.e.

-    * @return a list containing the currently selected items.
+   * @return a list containing the currently selected items (including hidden items).
+   *
+   * @deprecated Use selectedItems( true ) instead.
-  QPtrList<QListViewItem> selectedItems() const; // ### BIC: KDE 4: use an implicitly shared class! (QValueList?)
+  QPtrList<QListViewItem> selectedItems() const;

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