RFC: kdenonbeta reorganisation

Daniel Molkentin daniel at molkentin.de
Fri Sep 17 11:54:49 BST 2004

On Friday 17 September 2004 12:38, Waldo Bastian wrote:
>1) kdeplayground-1, kdeplayground-2, ..., kdeplayground-N
>The kdeplayground modules are intended for new developments that start from
>scratch or that otherwise still have quite some way to go before they reach
> a stable/mature state. Typical for these developments is that a large
> percentage of them never reach maturity and are being left abandoned after
> some time. This isn't bad in and of itself, but it would be nice if we had
> them a bit more separated from the rest.

Oh, and of course this requires someone (tm) to regulary check the module for 
orphaned applications and moves them to kdeblackhole. ideally, the 
kdeplayground modules will not be expanding because projects either mature or 
get abandonned.

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