[PATCH] Fixing the search for KAboutData (#87536)
Nicolas Goutte
nicolasg at snafu.de
Mon Sep 13 23:06:43 BST 2004
The attached patch is for the file kde-common/admin/cvs.sh
It tries to fix the search for KAboutData in source to add the necessary i18n
entries so that the translators can add their names and emails to the
application translation.
- "grep -r *.c* *.C*" would only recurse when finding directory matching that
pattern which is not possible.
- use *.h* as some KAboutData are only defined there.
- remove *.C* as using *.C as extension is not allowed anymore in KDE for a
few years now.
- use -s for grep, as the first find is more than enough for us.
This should probably backported to the 2 current stable branches,
KDE_3_3_BRANCH and KOFFICE_1_3_BRANCH. But perhaps testing it first in CVS
HEAD would perhaps be better.
This fix is part of bug #87536 but it is not sure if this fix is sufficient
for fixing the complete bug.
Have a nice day!
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