KDE 3.2.2 and Qt 3.3.1 [Re: remember KDE 3.2.2]

Stephan Binner binner at kde.org
Sun Mar 28 20:35:13 BST 2004

On Friday 26 March 2004 11:06, Stephan Kulow wrote:

> So if you have anything left to do for that release (including increasing
> version numbers :), do so next week.

And don't forget to update changelog www/announcements/changelogs and also to 
add your new version numbers to the products on http://bugs.kde.org. :-)

On the subject, shouldn't KDE 3.2.2 work flawless with the current Qt version?
At the moment I'm aware of these unsolved problems:

 - KGet problems (#75429, #74597)

 - K Menu gets wider with time (#78573, #78556)

 - Again K Menu, removing an action sub menu, turning off recent/frequently
   used apps or doing anything which decreases its length leaves empty entries
   behind and doesn't shrink the menu.

It would be fine if there could be work-around found or at least be patches
in qt-copy if these bugs are not already fixed in the Qt 3.3.2 snapshots.


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