structure of kde cvs modules, was Re: libkipi in kdesupport

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Thu Mar 18 16:10:03 GMT 2004

On Thursday 18 March 2004 14:45, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Thu March 18 2004 13:55, Cristian Tibirna wrote:
> > > KDE is not just "kdecorelibs" and "kdeapplibs". The KIO slaves, KHTML,
> > > Kicker, Kicker, the application modules: they're all equally part of KDE.
> >
> > Well, _this_ is the central issue. IMO, all applications developed with KDE
> > framework and obeying KDE guidelines deserve to be _equally_ part of the
> > KDE application collection. Right now, this is not so because of the
> > perceived stratification in "apps resident in KDE's official CVS" and
> > "others". IMHO, we would become much stronger if we would fix this.
> I very much agree.
Then it will be "apps released together with KDE libs" and "others"? What's the practical

Greetings, Stephan

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