KDE 4 modules structure (again)

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at kdemail.net
Sun Mar 14 16:44:08 GMT 2004

Dominique Devriese wrote:
>> 5. Increases the clean build time --- every single module needs to
>>    have configure genederate, configure run; doing this per-module
>>    is quicker than doing this per-application
>This is partly true, but its effects are not so bad because:
>1 The amount of work that configure needs to do per-app will
>  decrease.

I don't follow you here. What do you mean?

From what I understand, the amount of work would _increase_, not 
decrease. When you have 60 apps and 10 modules, configure is run 10 
times, but on average each app corresponds to one sixth of that. If you 
have 60 configures, then each app's individual part will have increased 

>2 The time taken by configure is small compared to the
>  time taken for building the source.

True, but if you multiply the configure time by 5-10 and if you compare 
the configure time to the build time of some of the smaller apps, it'll 
be noticeable.

Isn't there a way of making it a recursive structure? For instance, 
checking out "kdebase" gets you all the apps and one configure for all 
of them, but checking out "kdebase/kicker" gets you kicker alone, with 
its own configure, which you could place side by site to "kdebase/kdm" 
in order to make packages and/or release tarballs.

  Thiago Macieira  -  Registered Linux user #65028
   thiago (AT) macieira (DOT) info
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