A little script searching for a home

Jason Keirstead jason at keirstead.org
Thu Mar 4 03:20:34 GMT 2004

On March 3, 2004 07:59 pm, Frans Englich wrote:
> But we ran into a little problem of course ;-) His connection is not fast 
> enough to handle the big hordes from kde-look etc. So.. Now we're looking for 
> a server which have FTP/SCP upload capability and can with stand some heavy 
> traffic :) Any suggestions? (can the kde ftp site handle this?)

How large is this file?

Assuming it is big ( > 30-40 MB ), why don't you just change the link into a .torrent?

I say "assuming it is big" because bittorrent isn't very usefull for smaller files.

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