kconf_update script is not used

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Jun 14 20:55:53 BST 2004

> Hi,
> I've read kdelibs/kconf_update/README.kconf_update, put together
> an .upd file and a Perl script (see attachment).
> The .upd is recognized and the changes are applied to the target rc
> file, no problems here. However, it seems that the Perl script is
> never used. When applied manually, this Perl script does seem to do
> its job very well. 
> What could be potential culprits, what are typical rookie mistakes? Is
> there some debug info of kconf_update written somewhere I can use?

Instead of

> #Configuration Update for Kile
> Script=kile_kconf_update.pl,perl

you have to use


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