KDEvibes in KDE 3.3

Artemio theman at artemio.net
Mon Jun 14 18:02:43 BST 2004

On Monday 14 June 2004 18:45, André Wöbbeking wrote:
> maybe even less is fine (96 or 64 kbps)?
There's not that much difference in size of 128 kbps and 96 kbps OGGs. I agree 
that OGG quality is better than that of an mp3 at the same bitrate, but 
still, 128 is the least minimum reasonable people should use ;-)

> shoudn't the old ones be encoded with Ogg Vorbis too to save more space.
> Then both themes together need less space than the original theme.
I think most people voted for removing the sounds totally. I still don't know 
if it will work. There _is_ a note the 3.3 feature plan to replace all sounds 
with OGGs - and it's the right time to do it. And we will replace the old 
sounds with new ones, maybe leaving 5-10 sound effects that I don't have a 
substitution for (I am not sure, maybe I have them all; I will even sacrifice 
my best typewriter, waterdrop and pop samples ;-)).

fOr ThE 1337 mEmBeRz OnLy -> http://elite.artemio.net
[local time 19:58:58 (GMT +3) 14 June 2004] [system uptime 1 hr 08 min]

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