KDEvibes in KDE 3.3

Rolf Magnus ramagnus at kde.org
Mon Jun 14 00:04:30 BST 2004

On Sunday 13 June 2004 20:38, Artemio wrote:
> On Sunday 13 June 2004 21:30, André Wöbbeking wrote:
> > wouldn't 128 kbps be good enough?
> Yes, it may be enough. We'd end up with around 1.5 Mb in total and free
> ariound 3 Megs in kde core.
> > That would be near (or better?) to CD
> > quality.
> No lossy compression algorithm will be better than the CD quality 44.1 Khz
> 16 bit format. But 128 kbps will be really enough for system sounds. We can
> discuss this, maybe 192 kbps will be a bit better.

It seems to me that 128 kbps are enough. After all, many people still encode 
their mp3s in 128 kbps, and the audio quality of ogg/vorbis is much better at 
low bitrates than mp3.

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