#MIN_CONFIG(3.2) in kdenonbeta

Rob Kaper cap at capsi.com
Fri Jun 11 11:15:15 BST 2004

On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 05:33:48PM +0200, Marcus Camen wrote:
> Of course one can always check using an application specific
> configure.in.in but maybe it's about time to increase
> kdenonbeta::#MIN_CONFIG from 3.1 to 3.2.

Sure, applications maintainers that package from kdenonbeta can always edit
it prior to packaging. Perhaps a cvs2dist option (kdesdk/scripts) that can
automatically override this would be "convenient" though.

Rob Kaper     | "Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had
cap at capsi.com | better learn baseball" -- Jacques Barzun
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