KFind patch for incremental searching

Arend van Beelen jr. arend at auton.nl
Mon Jun 7 00:55:52 BST 2004

Hi guys,

I've completed my patch for incremental search in KFind. It does involve quite 
some extra logic to KFind though, so I'd like to post it for review before I 
The incremental search will be used by the type-ahead find feature so it will 
be more efficient and can better respond to the path through which the user 
searches. To accomplish this, all data block set by KFind::setData() are 
cached and the search algorithm will track in which block and at which 
position every match (of the current search pattern and its substrings) is. 
If the incremental search then decrements it will select the same matches as 
it encountered during its first run. This means if the user would press F3 a 
few times between incrementing the search pattern, this path is followed in 
reverse when decrementing the pattern.
Finally, the patch also fixes a small memleak in KFind::setOptions().
What'd you say?

Arend van Beelen jr.

So if you want my address, it's number one at the end of the bar.
-- Marillion
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