PATCH: [Bug 83064] SMB URI syntax error

Dawit A. adawit at
Sat Jul 31 01:43:32 BST 2004

On Friday 30 July 2004 19:56, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Friday 30 July 2004 14:32, Dawit A. wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > The following three patches are intended to fix problems related to
> > incorrect filtering of URLs such as "smb:" by the uri filter plugins.
> > For details see Stephan
> > this is the stuff you asked me to look into. The fixes are as
> > follows:
> >
> > ShortURI filter:
> > ============
> > - Make isValidShortURL check for what it considers to be a valid
> > short URL instead of what should not be. This prevents most if not
> > all incorrect identification of short URLs.
> >
> > - Improve the mailto: regexp so that user at or
> > user at is not translated as a mail URL. Now only things of
> > the form user at host.domain are considered to be email address.
> user at is a perfectly valid email address and since no protocol
> is specified it can't be anything other than an email address.

Yes, I know user at is a perfectly valid email address. However, the 
point of short-urls is to allow the user to type short addresses so that 
(s)he does not have to bother with typing in the protocol. Simply adding a 
username to such URL, e.g. dawit at does not automatically mean I 
want to send mail. So in trying to achieve a balance, I simply decided to 
filter the most common form of email addressing as a "mailto:" and the rest 
will use the set default protocol.

If you disagree, you can simply override this default by adding your own rule 
to $KDEHOME/share/config/kshorturifilterrc. For example, the following will 
make sure 'user at' is filtered as an email address if you so desire:

myemail=^\w at$


Anyways, if this is causes undue problem for people it can easily be changed 
since it is not hard coded in code. Rather it is supplied as a rule in the 
global kshorturifilterrc file...

Dawit A.
"Preach what you practice, practice what you preach"

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