KServiceGroup question
Benjamin Meyer
ben at meyerhome.net
Sat Jul 24 03:17:33 BST 2004
Hash: SHA1
On Friday 23 July 2004 4:58 am, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Friday 23 July 2004 03:58, Benjamin Meyer wrote:
> > I copied kde-settings.directory and kde-settings.menu file and renamed
> > them to kde-test.directory and kde-test.menu.
> >
> > In the kde-test.directory file I change X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings to =test
> >
> > and installed them in the same place (in debian) where the kde-settings
> > files where installed.
> >
> > kde-test.directory -> /usr/share/desktop-directories/
> > kde-test.menu -> /etc/xdg/menus/
> >
> > I ran kbuildsycoca to regenerate the files/cache
> You must include kde-test.menu in applications.menu somehow.
> For kde-settings.menu this happens as follows:
> * applications.menu contains <DefaultMergeDirs/> which includes all files
> from menus/applications-merged/
> * menus/applications-merged/ contains kde-essential.menu which
> includes kde-settings.menu, kde-information.menu and kde-screensavers.menu
> You can use kbuildsycoca --menutest to check your menu. You will see that
> your test menu doesn't appear in it, and as a consequence KServiceGroup
> will not find it.
> To get your kde-test.menu working I suggest you take kde-essential.menu as
> template and turn it into a new file like:
> <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"
> "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/menu-spec/1.0/menu.dtd">
> <Menu>
> <!-- The following menus are hidden by default -->
> <Menu>
> <Name>Test</Name>
> <Directory>kde-test.directory</Directory>
> <MergeFile>../kde-settings.menu</MergeFile>
> </Menu>
> </Menu>
> Now replace the <MergeFile>...</MergeFile> with the contents of your
> kde-test.menu, leaving out the <!DOCTYPE ...>, the first <Menu> and the
> last </Menu> tag.
> If you install this file under menus/applications-merged it will get picked
> up.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Waldo
Yup that worked great. Is there anyway to make the menu order not
alphabetical? I tried with Move, but that didn't work and from browsing
around the spec I couldn't find anything (or more likely just missed it).
- -Benjamin Meyer
- --
aka icefox
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