[patch] KShortcutList and KGlobalShortcut

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at tiscalinet.be
Thu Jul 22 16:18:23 BST 2004

While fixing the Kopete bug 81923 i seen a problem in kdelibs.

To read the global shortcut from the config file, we call 
This will load the settings from a group called  "Globals Shortcuts".

When we configure shortcut with KKeyDialog::configure , settings are saved to 
the group called "Shortcuts".

Of course that will not work, the two groups are not the same.
So i work arounded the problem in Kopete and i added a call to 
KGlobalShortcut::readSettings()  which write settings in the correct group.
but then the shortcuts are writed twice in the config file, in two different 

KKeyDialog::configure write it in the wrong group simply because KShortcutList 
forget the group.
The attached patch, fix the problem correctly in kdelibs.

Ok to commit ?

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