Chaining of io-slaves (Was: plans for KDE4)

David Faure faure at
Fri Jul 2 13:26:24 BST 2004

On Friday 02 July 2004 14:17, Torsten Rahn wrote:
> > Yes. Although Helio just claimed that ark uses it.
> >
> > > To me nesting of ioslaves seems to be rather essential ...
> >
> > Essential for what?
> For accessing zips inside zips? 

Yes; the question is whether the added complexity (code-wise and GUI-wise)
is really worth the gain (compared to just extracting the zip from the zip).

> And what about tar.gz? Are they implemented as a nested tar inside a gz?

No, kio_tar can read tar.gz files directly, using in-process ungzipping
(which is much faster than chaining separate processes).

David Faure, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (

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