move klicker to kextragear
Frans Englich
frans.englich at
Thu Jan 22 18:24:08 GMT 2004
On Tuesday 20 January 2004 21:25, Russell Miller wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Frans Englich wrote:
> > But is that relevant? Does the end user know that thingy at the bottom is
> > called kicker? (Don't we use "panel" in the docs etc?)
> > Afterall, it is mostly mortal people who will use KDE, not the developers
> > ;-)
> Ah, yes, making allowances for the mortal :-)
> > I would suggest KMetronome (spelled correctly? :)
> >
> > Especially, if it's going into KMusic(meaning broad distribution)
> >
> > "Klicker" will be used by musicians and they now what a metronome
> > is(sensible rationalis?)
> Yes, that's a rationale. But there may also be a compromise here, for
> example, when it installs, it could go into the menu as "Klicker, a
> metronome". I'll give it some thought. Not many people use alt-f2 either
Yeah, I really just care about what's put in the menu. So I think
GenericName="Metronome" is fine, as you two worked out.
The xdg menu spec doesn't mention the relation between Name/GenericName or
which one should have the highest priority in the menu, AFAICT. I don't know
if it should.
> :) (until they become more familiar with KDE)
> I don't much like KMetronome. It doesn't roll off the tongue, it's kind
> of staid and boring (which is more of an issue for musicians than for
> corporate-type people :), and the K is just kind of plastered in the
> beginning for kicks and giggles.
> > I looked at klicker, a handy little thing. I have some suggestions:
> >
> > * Make it remember the "No Sound" option. And enable it by default, AFAIK
> > people usually use a metronome for practicing sticking to tempo and then
> > they need to hear the beat.
> Yes, the remembering the option is important, I need to add that. As far
> as being enabled by default, well, once it remembers, it's kind of a moot
> point (as they set it once and it'll do it from then on)
> > * AFAIK, if the "beat sound" is not atonal the metronome is, if to be
> > used when playing a instrument, practically rendered useless. Atleast if
> > the harmonies used does not play well with those A's ;-) If I have
> > grasped correctly, you don't play a sound but generates it via arts,
> > dunno how to generate an atonal sound.. If this is of interest I think
> > you will need to include a recorded "klick"/knock sound.
> There's something to this, as a musician, I can say that it really
> wouldn't bother me, as the beats are short. That said, having the option
> is a Good Thing. I could use the noise synth in aRts with a suitable
> envelope.
> I need to figure out how to do this outside of aRts too. I'd really like
> to be able to turn aRts off and still have it work.
Hm.. Perhaps just play a plain wav with QSound. OTOH, it will probably be used
in conjunction with KDE so you could just cold heartedly screw all
others(aka. putting it at the bottom of one's TODO list).
> > * Some usability stuff: 1) Skip the power LED 2) Remove the WhatsThis
> > from the toolbar - it's not used that often and your app is very good
> > designed 3) The icons goes slightly outside the buttons, perhaps it's a
> > style issue, dunno; 4) The LED's whatsthis affects emotionally in a
> > negative way - make it objective(Skip the "Do you really...").
> 1) Does it do any harm to have it there?
Hehe, I was a little quick there. I saw this time that the play
action /toggles/ the LED and that changes the situation quite
dramatically ;-) Sorry for the noise.
> 2) Hmm, appreciate the compliment, I'll take it out but leave the button
> in the title bar.
Yeah, keep it in the title bar.
> 3) The bottom buttons or the top buttons? The bottom buttons need a
> facelift, I'm no artist. :)
> 4) Yeah, there is that, I should have at least added a smiley. I'll take
> it out. (Just my strange sense of humor)
> > * I have only an old "analog" metronome so I have never seen metronomes
> > which highlights the first beat in the measure - it is surely practical.
> > That's why your metronome is extra handy in 5/4 beats for example - it
> > would be great having that. Also, 6/8 would be of interest for some. In
> > the case of 6/8 you sometimes highlights the 1/6(of course) but also 4/6
> > which would mean a third signal is needed(blink red and most left green
> > simultaneously?).
> I've got some ideas to make it work with more varied and contrasting
> rhythms. This is only a start - 2.0 will be much nicer. 6/8 is of
> interest, but you should note that 6/8 can be either fast 6/8 (which is in
> duple) or slow 6/8 (which is triple), and those two modes can easily be
> covered by the duple and triple modes that are present now.
> > But please note - IM very HO ;-)
> All good suggestions, thanks.
> > Jeeze.. a metronome easily turns into rocket science..
> Heh. It happens.
I think I have a wishlist in the line of this - the klicker may be very
powerful but it must not be an outgrown monster - plugin capability, 120
configuration settings, network transparency, tentacles, scriptability, etc.
A lot of KDE apps tends to go in that direction, IMHO ;-)
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