3.2 review on osnews

Benjamin Reed ranger at befunk.com
Fri Jan 16 02:50:35 GMT 2004

Jason Keirstead wrote:

> On January 15, 2004 09:10 pm, Ralf Nolden wrote:
>>Wouldn't even require a string change :) and would be *really* an
>>improvement (though I hardly can notice any reason why you wouldn't want to
>>have icons on your desktop at all...)
> Lots of people dont like icons on their desktop (like me :). To me, they serve absolutely
> no usefull purpose and just make everything ugly.

Also, because of the way the "icons on desktop" thing is implemented, 
it's important to turn them off if you're using a rootless X server 
(like on OSX and, I presume, on the Windows rootless server as well)

Otherwise you have a big X windows pretending to be the root window 
covering up your "real" desktop.

Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick -- http://ranger.befunk.com/
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They laughed at Edison.  They laughed at Columbo."   "Who's Columbo?"
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