Problems with kcfg files in amarok

David Faure dfaure at
Mon Jan 12 17:55:42 GMT 2004

On Monday 12 January 2004 18:28, Andras Mantia wrote:
> You're right. Now IIRC #MIN_CONFIG(3.0) disables some HEAD features, including
> the kconfig_compiler. But maybe some kdenonbeta apps want to be runnable on
> KDE 3.0/3.1, so it can't be removed from there...

Remove the (3.0) from kdenonbeta's own, and let apps who want
to run on 3.0, ship their own (when packaged out of kdenonbeta).

David Faure -- faure at, dfaure at
Qt/KDE/KOffice developer
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, Platform-independent software solutions

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