Kontact on OSX :)

Shawn Gordon shawn at thekompany.com
Mon Jan 12 06:16:04 GMT 2004

That's the best knock off of Aethera I've seen so far.

At 04:36 PM 1/11/2004, you wrote:
>Daniel Molkentin wrote:
>>That's freakin' awesome! Thanks for all your effort. Do you and Rick plan 
>>to make KDE/Mac an officially supported Plattform?
>I don't see why not.  There's plenty of time to clean this stuff up before 
>3.3.  There's a ton left to do though.
>Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick -- http://ranger.befunk.com/
>gpg: 6401 D02A A35F 55E9 D7DD  71C5 52EF A366 D3F6 65FE


Shawn Gordon

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