patch: kmix(applet)

Simon Hausmann hausmann at
Mon Jan 5 10:08:06 GMT 2004


for me the kmix applet does show anything anymore. The attached patch helps to 
ensure that we actually create a mixer widget in the constructor (in case we 
don't have the 'select mixer' procedure) . It is a partial revert of the 
change between 1.48 and 1.49. Please review.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: kmixapplet.cpp
RCS file: /home/kde/kdemultimedia/kmix/kmixapplet.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -u -p -b -r1.49 kmixapplet.cpp
--- kmixapplet.cpp	6 Dec 2003 20:41:29 -0000	1.49
+++ kmixapplet.cpp	5 Jan 2004 10:04:53 -0000
@@ -274,7 +274,9 @@ KMixApplet::KMixApplet( const QString& c
 	//  Find out wether the applet should be reversed
 	reversedDir = cfg->readBoolEntry("ReversedDirection", false);
-	//positionChange(position()); // To take over reversedDir
+	// To take over reversedDir and (more important) to create the mixer widget
+	// if necessary!
+	positionChange(position());
 	m_aboutData.addCredit( I18N_NOOP( "For detailed credits, please refer to the About information of the KMix program" ) );

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