RFC: Tooltips and What's This? Styleguide
Malcolm Hunter
malcolm.hunter at gmx.co.uk
Sun Feb 29 20:59:36 GMT 2004
I'd like to raise a couple of points regarding use of tooltips and What's
This? messages.
1. One of the proof-readers raised a question: "Should the text be imperative
or third person singular?" eg. : "Save the file" or "Saves the file"
It seems developers are not consistent at all with this - can we possibly
agree on a standard? I'd like to see imperative used for tooltips and third
person singular for What's This?
2. Sometimes tooltips contain exactly the same (or nearly the same) text as
the What's This? This seems to me to be pretty pointless. I am not decrying
people that have done this - it's better to have both than none at all. I am
quite happy to put in some effort to help resolve this by condensing the
What's This? (if possible). IMO the tooltip should be a short (max 10 words)
description of the control's function and, if required, the What's This? be
used to provide more in-depth information.
Is there a styleguide for these? If not, should this be added to the existing
developer.kde.org styleguide?
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