extending kicker menu extension question

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Sun Feb 29 13:44:54 GMT 2004


after some discussion here and on kde-usability I thought I'd try to implement 
the immediate action/delayed menu functionality for kicker (e.g. for the 
terminal session kicker button).
Now, this is the first time that I ever had a look at the kicker sources.
I'd like to extend the KPanelMenu so that it features optionally a "default 
action". If it has a default action, this action will be executed when the 
button is clicked and the menu will be opened delayed. If it doesn't have a 
default action, it will always open the menu (as it is now).

So, how implement it ?
I thought about adding functions "hasDefaultAction()" and 
"execDefaultAction()" to KPanelMenu. But this would be BIC. It could be done 
via the virtual_hook() function and would have to be cleaned for KDE 4 :-/

Then the PanelPopupButton could adjust its behaviour according to 
hasDefaultAction() in PanelPopupButton::setPopup(). Does PanelPopupButton 
have to stay BC ?

Or am I completely on the wrong track and there is a much better way to do 
it ?

Work: alexander.neundorf at jenoptik.com - http://www.jenoptik-los.de
Home: neundorf at kde.org                - http://www.kde.org
      alex at neundorf.net               - http://www.neundorf.net

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