RES: K-ARTIST: Re: New icon guide

Ante Wessels vitanova2 at
Tue Feb 24 16:10:32 GMT 2004

AFAICS, your e-mail went only to the core list, not the artists list, which 
may be unintended.

On Martes 24 Febrero 2004 14:04, Rob Kaper wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 10:51:20AM -0300, Everaldo wrote:
> > I am really sad in seeing people like you criticizing my work
> That's part of open source communities. Unlike employers, peer reviewers
> can't order people around, so criticism is the next best thing. And often
> it is only there to help improve the product.
> That said, I'm still hoping for Crystal to become somewhat more complete
> and up-to-date wrt non-core icons:
> Do we have a formal process what happens when a developer adds a new GUI
> element requiring an icon that isn't present? I currently:
> 1) Just scribble something ugly and assume the artists will do icon QA
>    themselves using the script I've provided, akin to translators
>    automatically picking up new strings instead of me having to bug them
> for every change.
> or
> 2) Don't bother to create the icon and assume the artists will do QA
>    themselves.
> As a somewhat similar problem, KDE could *really* use more generic action
> icons such as "io_in", "io_out", "net_io_in", "net_io_out". I'm currently
> using left/rightarrow for that, but it's far from optimal.
> I'll gladly help making a kdesdk tool for the artists to make it easier for
> them to do QA on iconsets akin to KBabel. Let me know if you're interested.

I always push for something else :-)

The crystal sources are in many directories. May be there are a few artists 
with head running at home who have an overview of the crystal vector sources, 
the rest of us does not have such an overview. I guess things start with 
knowing what is around.

I tried to write a script to download just the crystal sources. With a ftp 
server something like this would work: 

wget -rN -t 45 -l 10 -A "crsc-*.svgz,crsc-*.svg" -P $DEST1 -o 
$DEST1/crystal_log $SOURCE1

But the kde ftp server has it all tarred up. The cvs server can not be reached 
with this, etc (I even tried the xls server, it has a robot.txt) 

I know running head at home would solve this (find crsc-*.svgz) but with my 
dail-in modem it is too much a detour. A tar with the sources at 
would make many artists happy. And happy artists tend to produce more. 



The most up to date info for kde artists can be found at the wiki:

Scripts for kde artists, like svg2png4kde, add border, add drop shadow, change 
filename, file conversion:

Web course italian, poem generator, poetry, stories and visual art:

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