sizeof size_t != sizeof unsigned long

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Mon Feb 23 21:27:54 GMT 2004

On Monday 23 February 2004 10:47, you wrote:

> >List:       kde-core-devel
> >Subject:    Re: sizeof size_t != sizeof unsigned long
> > From:       Dirk Mueller <mueller () kde ! org>

could you please try to trim those quotes when you don't want to subscribe to 
the mailinglist?

> Then perhaps we should test if cc and cxx are of the same version and abort
> if it is not the case. A clear error message somewhere at the start of
> configure is perhaps better than to proceed many tests and then only find
> that it cannot work.

No. There are legitimate uses for using two different compilers, even though 
such a use is very rare. 

Perhaps a warning at the bottom of configure would be appropriate. this way 
you can still use two  different compilers when you know what you're doing. 

> No, that is bad. We had added warnings to avoid some kind of errors. And
> some of the warning are very useful to avoid problems ("unitialized
> variable" for example.)

A KDE developer should be capable of using configure with the 
--enable-warnings switch. I know thats unfortunately not always the case. 

> >> Also RH means North-American market, India etc. Do you want to lose
> >> these markets by not trying to support gcc
> I do not know if it happens on vanilla RH 7.3 or not. 

if you don't even know if it happens on a vanilla RH installation, then why do 
you start to claim that we don't support Redhat? Why spreading FUD within the 
KDE project?

> But keeping the problems in a unknown state is not helping the users and
> therefore not KDE. (Of course, you might not share my point of view.)

*sigh*.. you make it really difficult for me to write a calm reply. I stop 
reading the rest of your mail now :)


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