vectors vs. lists

Marc Mutz Marc.Mutz at
Thu Feb 19 16:25:21 GMT 2004

On Thursday 19 February 2004 13:17, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Thu February 19 2004 10:46, Marc Mutz wrote:
> > It's really funny how STL-trained people default to std::vector<>
> > in all their code, and you see std::list<> only very rarely, but
> > you see QValueList used as a default in KDE/Qt, and in ways that
> > involve indexing (O(n)! vs. O(1) in QVV). This loop, btw,:
> >
> > for ( int i = 0 ; i < list.count() ; ++i )
> >    doSomethingWith( list[i] );
> >
> > is O(n^2).
> No, it is O(n) as well, see the implementation of
> QGList::locate( uint index )

See other mails.

> Which brings me to my next point:
> * Don't optimize without profiling / benchmarking, there is a real
> risk that you make matters worse, not better.

I completely agree with you, except that is misses my point:

KDE and Qt programs currently default to QValueList, even if it is 
obviously stupid and wrong. And why? Because Qt uses QValueVector 
(almost?) nowhere.

Do I understand you correctly that you do /not/ agree that QValueVector 
or std::vector is the better _default_ container compared to QValueList 
and std::list?

I.e., don't you agree to this:

> Bottomline: If you can choose the container class to use, prefer
> QValueVector over QValueList. And QValueVector<T*> over QPtrList<T>,
> if you don't need the autodelete feature of QPtrList<>
<snip arguments>

> Basically, only use the list types if you know that vectors are
> unsuitable.

> Tha janitorial job would involve finding wrong uses of QValueList
> and fixing them to use QValueVector.

(note: _wrong_)


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