idea: kpersonalizer to ask for user 'type'

Daniel Martin Lambea martind at
Wed Feb 18 16:16:50 GMT 2004

>    Which is why I suggested that instead of user 'type' or 'level', we
> can
> provide a choice along the lines of:
> 1) minimalist desktop
> 2) featureful desktop
> 3) whatever other choice the user may want
> ...
> n) customize
>    You don't categorize the user, you let the user choose.  Remember
> that KDE
> as we provide it is not KDE as is shipped to end users with their distro
>  anyway.  The people who use "our" KDE are people compiling with CVS or
> source  packages.  They are capable of basic decisions.  Distros will
> customize as  they see fit.

  "customize" might show a relatively manageable list of checkboxes with
the items the user might want. E.g.:

      [X] Internet commons  (browser, email, chat)
      [ ] Office commons    (wordprocessor, ...)
      [X] Konsole icon
      [ ] ...

    Daniel M. Lambea

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