
Benjamin Meyer ben at meyerhome.net
Wed Feb 18 03:43:56 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 15 February 2004 6:50 pm, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> On Sunday 15 February 2004 16:48, Sebastian Trueg wrote:
> > k3b already has an encoder plugin system with encoding plugins for
> > ogg-vorbis, wave, monkey-audio, and one that uses external tools. Maybe
> > it's possible to prevent code duplication?
> (crossposting to move the discussion to kde-multimedia)
> I am working on a different plugin system, slightly more featurefull (in
> design) than the one k3b, to be used for both decoding for arts and for
> crossencoding via a kservice (right-click wav-file or cd-track and choose
> encode to/save as ogg). It was the original idea also to integrate it with
> audiocd and kaudiocreator. I'm also planing to make the service available
> as a move option, so you could move a file from a CD to your disk, and then
> be prompted for which format you would like to save in, though I havent
> started work on the this part yet (might require a small extension of kio),
> Maybe we should make a task-force and integrate these systems for kde3.3?

Talking a quick glance at k3b's stuff today they are in the same direction to 
hopefully take audiocd. So, yes a taskforce would be good to get together.

  Probably putting them by themselves as plugins in kdemultimedia would be the 
best.  From there the audiocd, k3b, kaudiocreator, juk and or anyone else 
could utilize them.  There are certainly enough projects out there that might 
want to take advantage of this capability (along with removing duplicate code 
and allowing for everyone to utilize new plugins as they are written).

- -Benjamin Meyer

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