Relevancy of Preferences KCM

Simon Perreault nomis80 at
Mon Feb 16 02:14:27 GMT 2004

Frans Englich wrote:
> I was thinking about the Preferences KCM(in "Internet & Network"), shouldn't 
> it be ok if we just settled for sensible defaults and then dropped the KCM?

I have a lot of electrical components in a big jar. Recently, I've found 
out that I had so many components, I couldn't possibly find what I 
needed fast. What should I do?

a) Throw half of it away, so that I have less components and then 
searching through them will be easier;


b) Organize them better, perhaps using labeled drawers or compartments 
or whatever.


How it relates to software engineering: you can't have too much code. 
Just make sure you present it well to the user.

Simon Perreault <nomis80 at> --

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