Apollon soon in kde-extragear

Petter E. Stokke gibreel at project23.no
Thu Feb 12 21:11:10 GMT 2004

On Wednesday 11 February 2004 12:14, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 February 2004 21:39, Petter E. Stokke wrote:
> > In fact, maybe one ought to add a disclaimer dialog at
> > KMLDonkey/Apollon startup ("does not condone illegal redistribution"
> > etc.) just to be on the safe side. Would that sell you, I wonder? :)
> I mentioned in my first email in this thread that I would consider that
> a reasonable compromise.  Since we don't really have a legal means to
> defend ourselves it seems only logical to over-compensate by going out
> of our way to establish good faith and to promote legal uses of p2p.  (I
> still personally don't like the idea of them being in CVS, but with this
> provision I would resign to just being noted as a dissenting opinion
> rather than trying to block their inclusion.)

Then I'll come up with a suitable text and make sure it's inserted in 
KMLDonkey by the next release. That's really something which should have 
been done regardless of this discussion. I guess it would be appropriate 
to mail the draft to kde-policies for comments also.

Assuming Martin takes the same steps with Apollon, I guess he can go ahead 
and put it in extragear, no?

Petter E. Stokke <gibreel at project23.no> http://www.gibreel.net/
PGP key: http://www.gibreel.net/key.asc
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