[patch] Minicli shows app descriptions
Unai Garro
ugarro at telefonica.net
Mon Dec 6 22:38:57 GMT 2004
It's just to make sure the app you are about to run is the one you wanted.
It's much more descriptive than an icon that changes, especially for terminal
programs or applications that lack icons.
Try typing "nano"
it shows the default command. Then the label says "text editor". I think the
second is more useful.
It shouldn't be hard to imagine that you were thinking of one app, thinking
the name was 'foo', and actually the name was 'blah'. I often confuse
commands that have weird names and I rarely use.
> Sometimes I miss the kde1 minicli which only had a lineedit :/
> Which kind of use case does this improvement target?
> Either you know the name of the executable you want to launch (and then
> the description doesn't tell you anything you didn't already know), or
> you don't know the name of the executable - and then instead of trying
> 100 names in minicli (!) you simply open the K menu and start the app,
> right? So I fail to see the point...
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