Moving dnssd to kdelibs

Jakub Stachowski stachowski at
Wed Dec 1 18:22:07 GMT 2004

Dnia środa, 1 grudnia 2004 18:10, George Staikos napisał:
> On Wednesday 01 December 2004 10:53, Jakub Stachowski wrote:
> > I would like to propose moving kdenonbeta/kdnssd/dnssd (simple library
> > build on Apple's mDNSResponder for discovering and publishing services
> > using DNS-SD aka ZeroConf aka Rendezvous protocol) into kdelibs. Reason:
>    Sounds like a good idea to me, though I haven't looked at it yet.  In
> principle it would be great to have this.

Great :-)

> > - random idea I just got (not even started yet) for easy launching remote
> > apps (not whole session): add new submenu to standard k-menu: 'K ->
> > Remote application -> (list of hosts) -> (normal k-menu for every host)
> > '. List of hosts could be populated by searching for _remoteapps._tcp
> > (advertising location of /usr/share/applications and ssh port) or
> > something similar. List of applications could be populated by reading
> > fish://user@host/usr/share/applications and parsing just like local menu,
> > but any 'exec=app' would be changed into 'exec=kdessh -X user at host app'
> > (kdessh would have to be able to enable X11 forwarding)
>   Nice idea!

Now I need to find a way to have KServiceGroup read remote directory. There is 
one more problem I am hitting over and over: it is simple to publish any 
service from KDE based program or kded module, but that means they are only 
accessible when KDE session is being run. It also applies to other possible 
uses like announcing network scanners for kooka or nfs shares.

>    Any ideas about integrating this with KNetAttach?

Yes,  at least for fish, webdav and ftp (and nfs too): there can be listbox 
with found services below Host and Path input fields - similar to krdc.
It would be something like 10-20 lines of code for each. As far as I know 
gnome-user-share announces _webdav._tcp so it would be even more useful.

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