Big trouble with KIO::NetAccess::enter_loop()
Michael Brade
brade at
Fri Apr 30 11:18:08 BST 2004
On Sunday 25 April 2004 22:11, Michael Brade wrote:
> Yeah, I did that already. I really regret not having done this
> earlier---how long do I have to wait now to trigger this again?? ;-{
Yay, and here we go again already:
This time I also noticed when KNotes freezed: after moving the mouse out of
the note to make it receive a FocusOut event the kio_uiserver's dialog popped
up for a very short time, during that fraction of a second I moved the mouse
back into the note and scrolled the mouse wheel, dialog disappeared -> KNotes
The short version without the backtraces goes something like that:
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::enter_loop()] #### LOOP: level before: 1
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.
kio_file: Starting 2482
kio (KLauncher): kio_file (pid 2482) up and running.
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::enter_loop()] #### LOOP: level before: 2
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.
kio (KLauncher): kio_file (pid 2483) up and running.
kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /var/tmp/kdecache-michael/ksycoca
kio_file: copy(): file:/home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics ->
file:/home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics~, mode=-1
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::slotResult(KIO::Job*)] ### LOOP: level before: 3
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::slotResult(KIO::Job*)] #### LOOP: level after: 3
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::enter_loop()] #### LOOP: level after: 2
kio_file: Starting 2483
kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /var/tmp/kdecache-michael/ksycoca
kio_file: copy(): file:/home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics ->
file:/home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics~, mode=-1
The first enter_loop is not left anymore, judging from the above output.
All backtraces included it looks like this: (why aren't the knotes methods
included properly, btw? kdepim is the only module I compiled with
--enable-debug, kdelibs was compiled with default debug stuff...)
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::enter_loop()] #### LOOP: level before: 1
knotes: [
0: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40a139b5]
1: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40a13d3b]
2: /opt/kde-3/lib/
3: /opt/kde-3/lib/
4: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN3KIO9NetAccess9file_copyERK4KURLS3_ibbP7QWidget+0xb0) [0x40479eb0]
5: knotes [0x8085072]
6: knotes [0x80829bc]
7: knotes [0x8064435]
8: knotes [0x806507a]
9: /opt/qt-3/lib/
10: /opt/qt-3/lib/
11: knotes [0x806ef1e]
12: knotes [0x806b0d8]
13: knotes [0x806ea92]
14: /opt/qt-3/lib/
15: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40ecbcdc]
16: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40f0443f]
17: /opt/qt-3/lib/
18: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xbf) [0x40e7208f]
19: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x11e) [0x40e7168e]
20: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN12KApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xa3) [0x409fe4b3]
21: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication15setActiveWindowEP7QWidget+0x252) [0x40e73372]
22: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication15x11ProcessEventEP7_XEvent+0xbb0) [0x40e04d60]
23: /opt/qt-3/lib/
24: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40e843f8]
25: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40e842a8]
26: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40e722e1]
27: knotes [0x8060c1f]
28: /lib/tls/ [0x416087f8]
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.
kio_file: Starting 2482
kio (KLauncher): kio_file (pid 2482) up and running.
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::enter_loop()] #### LOOP: level before: 2
knotes: [
0: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40a139b5]
1: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40a13d3b]
2: /opt/kde-3/lib/
3: /opt/kde-3/lib/
4: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN3KIO9NetAccess9file_copyERK4KURLS3_ibbP7QWidget+0xb0) [0x40479eb0]
5: knotes [0x8085072]
6: knotes [0x80829bc]
7: knotes [0x8064435]
8: knotes [0x806507a]
9: /opt/qt-3/lib/
10: /opt/qt-3/lib/
11: knotes [0x806ef1e]
12: knotes [0x806b0d8]
13: knotes [0x806ea92]
14: /opt/qt-3/lib/
15: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40ecbcdc]
16: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40f0443f]
17: /opt/qt-3/lib/
18: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xbf) [0x40e7208f]
19: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x11e) [0x40e7168e]
20: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN12KApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xa3) [0x409fe4b3]
21: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication15setActiveWindowEP7QWidget+0x252) [0x40e73372]
22: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication15x11ProcessEventEP7_XEvent+0xbb0) [0x40e04d60]
23: /opt/qt-3/lib/
24: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40e843f8]
25: /opt/qt-3/lib/
26: /opt/kde-3/lib/
27: /opt/kde-3/lib/
28: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN3KIO9NetAccess9file_copyERK4KURLS3_ibbP7QWidget+0xb0) [0x40479eb0]
29: knotes [0x8085072]
30: knotes [0x80829bc]
31: knotes [0x8064435]
32: knotes [0x806507a]
33: /opt/qt-3/lib/
34: /opt/qt-3/lib/
35: knotes [0x806ef1e]
36: knotes [0x806b0d8]
37: knotes [0x806ea92]
38: /opt/qt-3/lib/
39: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40ecbcdc]
40: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40f0443f]
41: /opt/qt-3/lib/
42: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xbf) [0x40e7208f]
43: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x11e) [0x40e7168e]
44: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN12KApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xa3) [0x409fe4b3]
45: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication15setActiveWindowEP7QWidget+0x252) [0x40e73372]
46: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication15x11ProcessEventEP7_XEvent+0xbb0) [0x40e04d60]
47: /opt/qt-3/lib/
48: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40e843f8]
49: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40e842a8]
50: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40e722e1]
51: knotes [0x8060c1f]
52: /lib/tls/ [0x416087f8]
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.
kio (KLauncher): kio_file (pid 2483) up and running.
kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /var/tmp/kdecache-michael/ksycoca
kio_file: copy(): file:/home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics ->
file:/home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics~, mode=-1
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::slotResult(KIO::Job*)] #### LOOP: level before:
knotes: [
0: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40a139b5]
1: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40a13d3b]
2: /opt/kde-3/lib/
3: /opt/kde-3/lib/
4: /opt/qt-3/lib/
5: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40461afa]
6: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x4044852c]
7: /opt/kde-3/lib/
8: /opt/kde-3/lib/
9: /opt/kde-3/lib/
10: /opt/qt-3/lib/
11: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40461afa]
12: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x4044852c]
13: /opt/kde-3/lib/
14: /opt/kde-3/lib/
15: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN3KIO13DirectCopyJob9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject+0x43) [0x40462e13]
16: /opt/qt-3/lib/
17: /opt/qt-3/lib/
18: /opt/kde-3/lib/
19: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN3KIO14SlaveInterface8dispatchEiRK9QMemArrayIcE+0xc22) [0x4043a6f2]
20: /opt/kde-3/lib/
21: /opt/kde-3/lib/ [0x40436758]
22: /opt/kde-3/lib/
23: /opt/qt-3/lib/
24: /opt/qt-3/lib/
25: /opt/qt-3/lib/
26: /opt/qt-3/lib/
27: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xbf) [0x40e7208f]
28: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x11e) [0x40e7168e]
29: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN12KApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xa3) [0x409fe4b3]
30: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN10QEventLoop23activateSocketNotifiersEv+0xea) [0x40e61ada]
31: /opt/qt-3/lib/
32: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40e843f8]
33: /opt/qt-3/lib/
34: /opt/kde-3/lib/
35: /opt/kde-3/lib/
36: /opt/kde-3/lib/
(_ZN3KIO9NetAccess9file_copyERK4KURLS3_ibbP7QWidget+0xb0) [0x40479eb0]
37: knotes [0x8085072]
38: knotes [0x80829bc]
39: knotes [0x8064435]
40: knotes [0x806507a]
41: /opt/qt-3/lib/
42: /opt/qt-3/lib/
43: knotes [0x806ef1e]
44: knotes [0x806b0d8]
45: knotes [0x806ea92]
46: /opt/qt-3/lib/
47: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40ecbcdc]
48: /opt/qt-3/lib/ [0x40f0443f]
49: /opt/qt-3/lib/
50: /opt/qt-3/lib/
(_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0xbf) [0x40e7208f]
51: /opt/qt-3/liknotes:
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::slotResult(KIO::Job*)] #### LOOP: level after: 3
knotes: [void KIO::NetAccess::enter_loop()] #### LOOP: level after: 2
libkcal: ICalFormat::save(): /home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics
libkcal: ICalFormat::toString() write journal libkcal-1865429308.566
libkcal: ICalFormat::toString() write journal libkcal-162256437.711
libkcal: ICalFormat::toString() write journal libkcal-1468476974.370
libkcal: ICalFormat::toString() write journal libkcal-1037951786.939
libkcal: ICalFormat::toString() write journal libkcal-1567224516.83
kio_file: Starting 2483
kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /var/tmp/kdecache-michael/ksycoca
kio_file: copy(): file:/home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics ->
file:/home/michael/.kde/share/apps/knotes/notes.ics~, mode=-1
Any ideas?
Michael Brade; KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
|-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'
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