Fwd: [Bug 80135] New: Rename KNewStuff to something else

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sat Apr 24 16:08:31 BST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On April 24, 2004 07:07, Jeroen Wijnhout wrote:
> What about 'get new updates', the word 'data' doesn't stimulate users to
> actually select this menu-item imho.

except that it doesn't get updates. it _can_, but not necessarily. "new stuff" 
is really much closer to what it gets.

for me, "Get Hot New Stuff" embodies a levity and and good-natured fun side 
that KDE rarely displays through its software. i don't think it's necessarily 
a bad thing to "be cool" once in a while. especially when it comes to catchy 
little features like this.

"Get Hot New Stuff" accurately portrays what it does, and marketing-wise it's 
catchy and cool. people dig a bit of fun here and there, at least here in N. 

whether that should be how it is in the API or not is a different matter, but 
i don't personally see the harm in it. i do think it's somewhat funny that 
people are concerned we aren't being our usual too-serious selves, though ;-)

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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