UPDATED [PATCH] - For approval - KNewStuff provider list selection

Jason Keirstead jason at keirstead.org
Tue Apr 20 04:21:45 BST 2004

On April 20, 2004 12:07 am, Jason Keirstead wrote:
> Attached is a patch to add the ability to specify a URL for the KNewStuff provide rlist directly upon construction of your KNewStuff object.
> This functionality is needed for applications that use plugins ( specifically, i need it to use KNewStuff in the Kopete JavaScript plugin ), because KGlobal::config() referrs to the parent application, not the config of the plugin.
> Please review. Thanks.

Oops, in my haste I submitted a patch with errors :P

Here is a correct, tested patch:

There's no place like

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