
Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Mon Apr 5 22:00:16 BST 2004

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On Tue April 6 2004 00:15, Enrico Ros wrote:
> I need to ask your opinion on the following patches. They do the same work,
> speed up directory navigation:
> Test case: I'm on a depth 3 "/home/myhome/third" and I want to go to the
> root. In that case I quickly press 3 times "up" but I get to "/home".
> Why: The KToolBarButton I have pressed generated "clicked(),
> doubleClicked( int ), clicked()" and the activate() of the actions is only
> connected to clicked!!
> I consider this a major usability bug, because you feel your click has do
> nothing or you wait to see if has sorted anything..
> Patch1: connecting doubleclicked( int ) of the button to the activated
> signal of KAction and derived classes.
> Patch2: I think doubleclicked( int ) shouldn't mess up the
> QButton::clicked() signal, but it does so because on the eventFilter the
> flow is stopped (and I think this should not be done)
> I ensure you that now I can go to the root by clicking only  N times (and
> not 2N as in the worst case!) and I got it in 0.30 seconds (the default
> double click interval is 400ms!!).
> If you think one of those patches is useful, tell me or apply it.

I like patch 2 (attached for kde-core-devel) but I'm not sure if it is logical 
to have both doubleClicked() and clicked(), otoh the ktoolbar documentation 
has an extensive disclaimer in the doubleClicked() docu to explain that you 
always get two clicked() signals. Unless someone else sees major issues with 
it, I suggest to apply patch 2.

- -- 
^ bastian at kde.org | Is your software SUSE LINUX READY? | bastian at suse.com
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